Santa Parade a Huge Success!!

Santa Parade a Huge Success!!![]() |
Rotary Club of Newburyport Celebrates 100 Years! |
New Rotary Year & Charitable Giving!As we ring in a new year, we have the honor to give donation checks to seven deserving non-profits within our community. We're so happy to partner with these great organizations and look forward to our continued work together. (Fire House Center, Pettingill House, The Link House Salisbury, Anna Jaques Hospital, Turning Point Newburyport, Community Service Newburyport & Salvation Army Newburyport) |
May is Youth Services Month!![]() |
2nd Annual Fashion ShowThis event sold out last year! Come join us on April 5th at the Firehouse Center For the Arts. Buy your tickets today! You can purchase tickets in person at Native Sun or either Newburyport Bank locations. Or, scan the QR code to Venmo to @newburyportrotaryclub ![]() |
30th Annual Frigid Fiver 5K Road RaceWe are excited to announce the return of The Rotary Club of Newburyport’s 30th Annual “Frigid Fiver 5k” Road Race! Working with the Joppa Flats Running Club, we expect this year’s event to approach 300+ participants coming from all over the region to Riverwalk Brewing Company. The event on Sunday, February 12 will start at 11:00AM with live music to follow at 12:00. Proceeds from the race will benefit local charities and fund scholarships awarded by our Rotary Club to local high school students. CLICK HERE to register today! |
Trivia Night 2022Are you ready for Trivia Night again this year? Do you or your business want an opportunity to sponsor the event? Please email Kim at for sponsorship information and check out the flyer below for more details! *Scan the QR code to sign up your team! ![]() |
Operation BackpackThe Newburyport Rotary Club was happy to gather backpacks and school supplies for "Operation Backpack" to benefit the Pettengill House. |
Food & Toiletry DriveDid you know that we're currently collecting donation items to support The Pettengill House? Please see the below flyer for a list of items to donate. "The Pettengill House, Inc. is a nonprofit community social service agency providing comprehensive case management, basic needs support, emergency assistance, crisis intervention, and an array of essential programs and services for individuals, children, and families of all ages across nine Massachusetts communities." For more information on the great work The Pettengill House does and for information on how to donate, please visit their website HERE. |
Love Local CampaignJoin us in our support of the "Love Local Campaign" put on by the Newburyport Chamber of Commerce! "Love Local is our reminder to everyone that while we are facing challenging times, being kind and paying it forward is even more important. Join us throughout this winter season to extend a hand, a smile, or just an ear. Our community will be stronger for it." For more information, please visit their website at: |
29th Annual Frigid Fiver UpdateOver 160 runners came out to brave the cold weather and support our local Rotary Club! A huge 'Thank you' to all of the sponsors, runners, walkers and volunteers that made this event happen. |
29th Annual Frigid FiverRotary's 29th Annual Frigid Fiver is on Sunday, February 6th. We are looking for sponsors and runners to support one of their largest fundraisers of the year. Will you help support this year's race? ![]() |
Holiday DonationsPresident, Dan Hartman, presented Pettengill House, Diaper Bank, Community Service and the Salvation Army with holiday donation checks at today’s lunch meeting. |
Newburyport Rotary Trivia Night 2021Are you ready for it? Sponsored by ![]() Bring a team of up to five players, or we can create a team for you. Topple last year's smartest team on the seacoast and vie for cash and other prizes! Hosted once again by our local Jeopardy!™ winner Jill Santopietro Panall, the evening promises interesting questions, odd historical facts, and lots of friendly competition! Thursday, November 18, 2021 Food and drink available for purchase. $125.00 per team; up to five people per team. Or $25 to register as a single. Payment page for online registration.
Rotary Luncheon 11-6-2018![]() Our guest, Garry Kozak of GK Consulting spoke at our Rotary Luncheon on November 6th about the underwater maritime history off the local coast of MA & NH. GK Consulting specializes in undersea search and survey specifically for shipwrecks and aircraft. Garry was recommended to us by a board member of the Maritime Museum. His talk was fascinating! We learned about how he works to find a shipwreck, how he came to play key roles in the discovery of the USS Indianapolis and the Spanish Galleon San Jose! You can read more about it on their website. Thank you, Garry! |
Newburyport Rotary donates $6,500 to Local Charities.On Tuesday, December 12, the Newburyport Rotary held their annual holiday charity luncheon at Andiamo Restuarant. The Newburyport Rotary donated to the following charities: Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley, Newburyport Community Service, Firehouse Center for the Arts, Opportunity Works, Pettengill House, Link House and the Salvation Army.
Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive via Coast Guard Cutter in NewburyportThe Newburyport Rotary Club's annual Santa Parade is being held on Sunday, November 25, 2018. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive via the Coast Guard cutter and will be escorted around downtown by the Rotary elves and helpers ending at Market Square to light the Newburyport Chamber's Christmas tree.
District Governor, Dave Gardner, visits Newburyport and Amesbury clubsDistrict Governor, Dave Gardner, made a joint visit to Newburyport and Amesbury Rotary Clubs on Thursday, September 28. Dave's lovely wife, Joan, accompanied him. We were also privileged to have Bob Wood, District Governor Elect, and Joan Arsenault, District Governor Nominee, attend. Shown in the picture are Joan Arsenault, Dianne Webster (Amesbury President), Marion Spark, Dave Gardner and Bob Wood (left to right). Lunch was held at Vasa Restaurant, Bridge Road, Salisbury. Dave showed slide shows of each club's activities and fundraisers which were fun to watch. Many members had Happy Dollars and they were given to Dave to donate to the Rotary Foundation. He also addressed Rotary's challenge of retaining and gaining members. He challenged each of us to invite three people to a meeting within the next quarter. |
Rotary Thanks Newburyport Postal WorkersDo you remember last winter? How could we forget it? We were buried in snow time after time after time. And did we still receive our mail on a regular basis? You bet we did! In order to thank Newburyport postal workers for their dedication and work ethic, The Rotary Club of Newburyport provided breakfast for more than 40 letter carriers and post office workers at the Post Office Annex in the industrial park. Port City Sandwich catered the event with a fabulous hot breakfast. Paul Bolas, USPS Postmaster of the Newburyport Post Office, reported that his crew were excited for the breakfast and grateful to be appreciated for their work. Serving the breakfast were club President Deborah Andrews and club members Ann Ormond, Cindy Johnson, Louis Rubenfeld, Geri Dorr, Peter Doyle, Tom Howard, and Nikki Misenheimer. The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Motto: Doing Good in the World. For more information about the Rotary Club of Newburyport, please call Deborah Andrews at 978-270-2623.
Congratulations, Nick for your multiple Paul Harris Fellow![]() Liz Cullen presented Past President Nick Chapman with his Paul Harris Fellow. He is now a Paul Harris Fellow +.
Welcome New Members!Last Tuesday, we welcomed Chris Gagnon from the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center! Rotary Club of Newburyport's President, Deborah Andrews presents the inductee with his Rotary member pin.
He joins other new members Stephen Royer (Avita); Peter Doyle (Edward Jones); Kymberly Codair (Atria); Deborah Yameen (TD Bank); and Lyndi Lanphear (3 Cherry Street).
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Third Grade Dictionary project at the Bresnahan SchoolRecently the Newburyport Rotary Club distributed 240 dictionaries to third graders at the Bresnahan and River Valley Charter Schools. Here are NBPT Rotarians Nikki Misenheimer, Jennifer Hwang and Ken Smith distributing dictionaries to one of the 3rd grade classrooms at the Bresnahan School. |
2014 Third Grade Dictionary ProjectRotarian Susan Christ delivers this year's dictionaries to the third graders at the River Valley Charter School in Newburyport.
Newsletter 8/12/14Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Newburyport's meeting on August 12, 2014. |
Rotary Donation to NEF Names Room at Bresnahan ElementaryNewburyport Education Foundation (NEF) announced a generous gift from the Newburyport Rotary Club will be recognized with the naming of the Literacy Specialist Room-B244 in the new Francis T. Bresnahan Elementary School. A naming ceremony to be held in the fall with the school’s opening and will recognize this gift and others as part of the NEF’s donor recognition campaign currently underway. “The NEF is very grateful for this generous donation, and we are proud to have the Rotary name on a room at the new school,” said Jay Iannini. “This gift and recognition is a shining example of the community support and collaboration that helps to make our schools outstanding. We hope this gift will inspire others to join in the naming recognition program and get their name on a room, too.” Through the NEF’s donor recognition program, “Make Your Mark,” rooms at the new school can be named to recognize and honor an individual or organization and the donation supports the NEF’s mission to enhance education in the Newburyport Public Schools. Rotary chose the NEF as the recipient of their major donation this year as the NEF is “near and dear to the heart” of current Rotary president Cindy Johnson, said Sue Thomas, Rotary spokesperson. “One of the major areas of focus for Rotary International is basic education and literacy, and the NEF was a perfect fit for our donation this year,” said Johnson. We have supported literacy efforts in the schools with past donations, with our 3rd Grade Dictionary program, and this year with our new "Rotary Readers" program that had members as guest readers in classrooms K-6. We seized the chance to memorialize our club's support with a naming at the new school and look forward to our donation being used to enhance education here in Newburyport.” Each year, Rotary makes a donation to a local organization with the funds raised from its annual Chef’s Table Dinner. Geri Dorr chaired the event this year and it is a collaboration of many of our club members and one of our major fundraisers. For the past few years the entire profit has been donated to one recipient. In the past donations were made to AJH and the Newburyport Public Library.
Chris Skiba accepts the Rotary donation from Ray Nippes of the NED and Cindy Johnson, President of Newburyport Rotary Club
Rotary Club of Newburyport wins Salvation Army "Bell Ringer" award for 2014Club Secretary Nikki Misenheimer and Past President Ann Ormond accept the 2014 Service Club Bell Ringer award from Salvation Army Officer and fellow Rotarian, Jeff Brunelle. The award was presented at the Salvation Army annual Volunteer Dinner held on Wednesday, June 18, 2014. This is the third year in a row that the Newburyport Rotary Club has been recognized for collecting the most donations during the Christmas Bell Ringing season. Congrats to all Rotarians who "stood the kettles" on cold winter days.
Paul Harris Fellowship awarded to Newburyport RotarianFellow Rotarian and Salvation Army officer, Lt. Jeff Brunelle was presented a Paul Harris Fellowship from the Newburyport Rotary Club at our club's regular lunch meeting on Tuesday, June 10, 2014. Jeff exemplifies "Service Above Self" in his participation in Rotary events and his service to the community through the works of the Salvation Army of Greater Newburyport.. Jeff and his wife, Meghan, have been the officers in charge of the Salvation Army Corp in Newburyport for the past three years and have accomplished many projects and programs. These including the recent completion of brand new handicapped bathrooms and the installation of a generator to supply power for the emergency shelter. Our congratulations to Jeff for this well deserved award and honor. |
Newsletter 6-24-14
Date: 6-24-2014 Attendance: 38 Lunch Choices: Baked Stuffed Haddock with Balsamic Greens; Pan Roasted Vegetable Pasta Primavera with Roasted Red Pepper Cream
Invocation: Jeff delivered a heartfelt invocation thankful for Cindy’s leadership over the past year and Rotary’s ability to continue to serve the community ever better. Guests: Norm Jutras Student Guests: Casey Ross, Scholarship recipient from Triton H.S. and her mom, Caryn Guest Speaker: Cindy, our out-going President will make some summary remarks. President and Meeting: HAPPY DOLLARS: Max expressing his satisfaction that Andiamo let him have a second plate for lunch for the first time! Grace for her para-legal having a beautiful baby girl and for Cindy’s capable leadership over the past, most wonderful, year. Ann for acknowledging what a lovely man David Murison was and how he will be missed. Chris said he had 20 Happy Dollars for a successful baseball season, the naming of the auditorium at the Bresnahan School and for the outstanding leadership that Cindy provided over the past year! Vicky praised Cindy’s leadership and in her inimitable style lauded her asserting, ‘it’s all about the jokes!’ Deb for praising Cindy for the excellent leadership that she provided during a year that seemed to go by so fast and for working with Vicky during the year. Walt for raising $650.00 in his fundraiser. Jeff for Cindy and the leadership she provided over the past year; for Nick and the leadership he will provide during the upcoming year and for Rotary winning the trophy again for Ringing the Bell! Rotary garnered $8,400.00 to lead all of the other service organizations in the city and has won three of the four sides on the trophy! BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES: Nick Chapman 6-11; Walt for his Anniversary on the 21st. Tom Howard and Norm Jutras have birthdays upcoming. MEETING/ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Cindy spoke about her past year as President of Rotary. She began, “Crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But Rotary does that and succeeds!” She reiterated her goals for the past year which were met and in most instances exceeded her expectations. Her goals were to:
She related that all of these goals were accomplished. There were four new Paul Harris Fellows in addition to many former Paul Harris Fellows who achieved the goal once again. The average amount per member for giving to RI had increased distinguishing Newburyport Rotary and she was proud of that accomplishment. Membership had increased more than any other club in the district. Andiamo has become the new luncheon home for Rotary and has provided the membership with the most delicious meals. The enthusiasm and energy of the club is palpable. Cindy thanked all the members of the Board and the people who worked with her to make the year such a success. She ended her comments with one last joke! A duck walks into a bar, jumps up on the stool and says to the bartender “Got any grapes?” Bartender says, “NO,” and tells the duck to get out. Next day the duck returns, jumps up on the stool and asks the bartender if he has any grapes. Bartender says NO and tells the duck to GET OUT! But the duck keeps coming in. Finally, the Bartender tells the duck that if he asks that question one more time He’s going to nail his beak to the bar! Next day the duck walks in. Hops up and says, “you got any nails?” Bartender says, “No. Duck says, “Got any grapes?”
Deb also told a joke in honor of Cindy’s last day. Seems that Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went camping together. Sherlock wakes him up in the middle of the night and asks him to look out and tell him what he sees. Watson says, “I see millions and millions of stars.” “And what does that mean?” Sherlock asks. Watson says it means that there must be other worlds like Earth out there and the possibility that life exists in other parts of the universe…. Sherlock cuts him off. “No you idiot. Someone’s stolen our tent!” Nick Chapman, the President elect, came to the podium. He banged the gavel on the bell and put the transition into effect. Thank you Cindy for a fulfilling year. And thank you Nick for assuming leadership for the coming year Raffle: Louis indicated that the raffle amount was $305.00 with 50 cards left in the pack. Cindy pulled the winning ticket, #209989 held by none other than, Bob Keiver! He pulled the 9 of Spades, however, so the amount will continue to build.
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